Controlling Gremsy T7 using mavlink messages using a Raspberry Pi or Jetson Orin NX or similar boards

Posted 4 days ago by Ranjai Baidya

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Ranjai Baidya

Many of Gremsy gimbals seem to be able to communicate with Ardupilot flight controllers using MAVLINK protocol. So I am assuming that, we can control the Gremsy gimbals(supporting MAVLINK) using UART ports of micro controllers like Raspberry Pi or Jetson boards using the MAVLINK protocol. Are there any guides/manual available for this?

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Gremsy Support Team

Gremsy Support Team posted 3 days ago Admin

This is a simple MAVLink to UART interface example for Unix systems that can allow communication between Gremsy's Gimbal and an Onboard computer.

This will provide examples of controlling and communicating with Gremsy's Gimbal.

<Document Here>

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