Wifi Issue with T3/T3V2

Posted about 5 years ago by Gremsy Support Team

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Gremsy Support Team
Gremsy Support Team Admin

Wifi Connection Issue and How to Solve?

1. What’s the issue?

Gremsy has updated the new protocol - Mavlink 2 for some products, resulting in the conflict with the app connection and you cannot connect to the Gtune app via wifi connection.


List of products has issue:

- T3: Firmware 6.0.0 or higher (limited)

- T3 V2 : Firmware 6.1.0 or higher

How did the issue occur?

The notification is always “Not Found! Mobile data must be turned off before connecting” even when mobile data was turned off and you will still be unable to connect to Gtune.




2. Step to resolve

Step 1: Power the Wifi module by connecting the Wifi module to the Wifi port.

Step 2: Connect your device to Gremsy Wifi.

Step 3: Open your internet browser, then access the wifi configuration page via:

- Username: admin

- Password: admin

Step 4: On the Serial Configure, replace the 57600 by 115200 then click apply.


After changing (default):



Before changing:







Step 5: Unplug and re-plug in the Wifi module cable to reset.


Step 6: Connect to Gremsy Wifi, then connect to the Gtune app or software.

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BonniCase posted almost 5 years ago

Hi...i am facing the issue. After I plant reset, the tablet turned on and got to the fundamental arrangement where it requests that I pick language>choose region>connect to wifi, when I attempt to turn on wifi it just turns dark and afterward it turns around off. I got the alternative to skip however at whatever point I attempt to skip it turns around at the pick area step.

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